Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Saul's conversion

I often wondered how I was going to teach my kids arts and crafts when I'm the least crafty person I know.  I think I've figured it out..... I'm not,  they'll just do it on their own.

One day Indiana read the story in Acts about Saul's (Paul) conversion and then said he was going to make a craft about Saul meeting Jesus.  Here it is.

This is Saul riding a horse.  The Bible doesn't say anything about Saul riding a horse but Indiana assumed that "he fell to the ground" meant he fell from a horse.

explaining how it works
He's pretty proud of himself.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


As part of our school day Indiana has to read me a book.  Yesterday he chose this one...

So now we are learning about Venice this week.  We made a phone call to grandpa who has been to Venice and each day we spend some time looking at pictures of Venice and learning some facts.
Today the boys decided to draw pictures of Venice.

Aleksei (left) turned this assignment into his project for the morning, always returning to the picture to add another character to his story.  From what I can understand this is a picture of Venice being built (see the ladder)  There are men with hammers and little babies too?

Indiana (right) had a different approach.  Just a quick sketch of the city.... tall buildings with doors on water and a family having coffee on the street.

Indy's Says-it's.

Aleksei: "Indy, do you love me?"

Indiana: "No, I'm a bad guy"

Aleksei:  "Indy, why don't you love me?"

Indiana:  "Because I'm an emeny... I'm an emeny..... I'm an, I'm a philistine."

Let's try this again

So, I think I'm going to start using this space more regularly as a place to journal about our daily lives.  With our sweet boys being so crazy and growing so fast,  if I don't write this stuff down I won't remember.  My plan is to update once a week and show at the very least what we did in 'school',  that way at the end of the year I can rest assured that we did something.  For right now..... here's a bunch of random photos of the last few weeks.